Friday, January 31, 2020

Pizza! the Best Party Food Essay Example for Free

Pizza! the Best Party Food Essay Ding! Dong! â€Å"The pizza’s here everybody†. What do you mostly always eat when there is a party? What do you expect to eat at a party? That’s right! It’s pizza. A party without pizza is like a store without anything to sell. Some reasons that it is the best party food is that everybody eats it and is easy to get. Another reason is that everyone loves it. So why not get pizza the next time you decide to throw a party. First of all, lactose intolerant people aside, who doesn’t love when the pizza guy arrives at the door with, boxes of that deliciousness. Also it is the easiest thing to get for a party is pizza. Its so hard to cook for anywhere from 50-100 people. That would take hours of work and make the house smell bad. Why not just spend 60 dollars and get about seven whole boxes of Pizza Hut, Domino’s, DiGiorno’s, or anything else. Its saves so much time and the trouble of cooking. Also who knows if they will honestly even like the food you cook. When getting pizza you know everybody will eat it because the hosts of parties know people love pizza. Do you want to be remembered as a good host or party thrower? Then go buy pizza. You will probably spend that much on whatever you are cooking any way. So take the easy way out, and also the smart way. Next, everyone enjoys pizza, name one person that just doesn’t enjoy pizza. The perfect blend of cheese, tomato, and bread gets everyone’s mouths watering. Everyone just can’t resist from taking a slice. On the other hand it also tastes very good with drinks such as sodas. You can have all the wings and breadsticks you want but no matter what it won’t be a party without pizza. If I ever met someone who doesn’t like pizza I would interrogate him with questions. Did you ever even try it? Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you? What planet have you come from? Good thing I have never met anyone like that. Pizza is also rated the peoples’ most favorite food worldwide. So at a party you know it’s pretty demanding. If people don’t get pizza then it will make the guests unhappy and unsatisfied in their stomach. Overall there is no way around it. Pizza is the king of the party. It is the stomach filler. It is the most essential ingredient to making a successful party.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Three Readers Response to The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin :: The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin

Three Readers Response to "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin My belief on marriage is a sacred vow taken by two people which joins them in union. Most people carry the belief that marriage should occur only when two people are in love; although this belief is common it is not always the case and people marry for a variety of reasons. In the short story "The Story of an Hour" Kate Chopin suggests that in the case of Mrs. Mallard and Mr. Mallard, love was not a deciding factor for their reason to get married. Though the response of three readers, one being myself, we will explore the character of Mrs. Mallard and the idea of love in her marriage. Kate Chopin has given little detail about the Mallards and therefore left much to the imagination of the reader. Although there are similarities in details between readers such as: point of view, setting, and character, each reader brings new perspective and ideas. This type of analysis of the text allows a richer and more knowledgeable outlook; not only by enhancing ones own ideas by introducing new on es. The first reader has a guided perspective of the text that one would expect from a person who has never studied the short story; however the reader makes some valid points which enhance what is thought to be a guided knowledge of the text. The author describes Mrs. Mallard as a woman who seems to be the "victim" of an overbearing but occasionally loving husband. Being told of her husband's death, "She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance." (This shows that she is not totally locked into marriage as most women in her time). Although "she had loved him--sometimes," she automatically does not want to accept, blindly, the situation of being controlled by her husband. The reader identified Mrs. Mallard as not being a "one-dimensional, clone-like woman having a predictable, adequate emotional response for every life condition." In fact the reader believed that Mrs. Mallard had the exact opposite response to the deat h her husband because finally, she recognizes the freedom she has desired for a long time and it overcomes her sorrow. "Free! Body and soul free! She kept whispering." We can see that the reader got this idea form this particular phrase in the story because it illuminates the idea of her sorrow tuning to happiness.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Problems Of Modern Youth Essay

It has been rightly said that we spend the first half of our lives trying to understand the older generation, and the second half trying understand the younger generation. This is nothing peculiar to the modern age. It has always been so. Every age has its own problem Youth has always felt somewhat exasperated with age, and age In always been suspicious of youth. With their natural ebullience a impatience, a majority of young people is keen to act and learn on the own rather than be guided by the experience of their elders. The ok people, being more at home with words rather than with action, oft make noises about the problems of youth. In every generation, old men are found shaking their hoary heads and waxing nostalgic about I good old days when young people knew better and showed due reverence to age and tradition. In all ages, whenever they have pondered over ways of youth, they have foreseen nothing but ruination staring the world in its face. And yet the world goes on. Every generation passes from spontaneity and exuberance of youth to the caution and prudence of old age, and then yields place to the next. Some of the charges brought against modern youth are that they represent a rudderless generation without any ideals to live by, or cause to live for. Without the redeeming influence of faith, they are afflicted with a compulsive reverence which manifests itself in increasing defiance of parental authority and revolt against established social, moral and behavioral norms. On the slightest pretext they take to the streets, indulging in violence and destruction. They want to attract attention to themselves through unconventional behaviour and clothes. A majority of them have fallen victims to self-pity, mister med as alienation. They are becoming a generation of drug addicts and have developed an aversion to honest, hard work, ever on the lookout to have something for nothing. It is no longer anxious youth going forth into a hostile world. Now, it is hostile youth going forth into an anxious world, which is not sure, what to expect from it. This is a formidable list of charges and it will require an army of psychologists to ascertain the truth of the allegations made and to analyze the erratic behaviour patterns referred to. But even from the layman’s point of view, the indictment appears to be patently one-sided. It betrays a lack of sympathetic understanding and realistic appreciation of the dilemma in which the younger generation finds itself today. If we come to think of it,  it is not that only the younger generation is feeling restless. As a matter of fact, human society itself is in a state of flux. And that is not a recent development. A profound change has been coming over it for the last quarter of a century. It started with those who had fought in the Second world War. They had been brought up in an atmosphere impregnated by conformism. But after they had borne the brunt of fighting for seven long y ears, their outlook was radically changed. They came to acquire a rather equivocal attitude towards established authority as also towards long-accepted social mores and codes of conduct. They had seen the death and destruction wrought by the war. It diminished their respect for the wisdom of old age because it was the old men—their fathers—who had started the war. The catastrophes of death and destruction, which had visited the world twice in thirty years eloquently, showed that the old had bungled, and that their claims to matur wisdom were false. Then the general erosion of law and order, which is natural in times of war, wrought a profound change in the spirit of the age. An attitude of dissent and irreverence came to replace spontaneous faith and quiet acceptance of the status quo. Thus, it was the old people themselves who sowed the seeds of that arrogance of which they complain so bitterly while discussing modern youth. A fast-growing populations has increased to complexities of life in our times and the fantastic technological progress triggered off by the Second World War. These two factors combined have brought about great socio-political changes during the last three decades, both in the industrialized countries of the west and in the underdeveloped countries in Asia and Africa. Growing affluence in the developed societies of the West has generated among the people there a restlessness, which pines for instant rewards. Pursuing the mirage, parents have little time to devote to their children and to properly direct and supervise their activities. The children have all the money they need, and seldom face the need to work for a living. The result is that they try to attract attention in other ways and seek excitement in drugs and permissiveness. In the underdeveloped countries also, young people are feeling disgruntled because their visions of a happy future are being obliterated either by interna l strife or by political opportunism. Very few among such countries are enjoying political stability and even in them, more often than not, it is a particular class which is cornering most of the  rewards of technological progress. This provokes the young to protest against rampant corruption in society and the denial of social justice. In the circumstances, is it to be wondered at if all talk of dedication to ideals, renewed moral vigour, basic virtues etc. leaves the young cold and unconvinced? They are no longer prepared to blindly accept whatever their elders choose to ram down their throats. They are prone to subject to critical review all the social and political values they are called upon to accept. When they see high-sounding principles invariably being ignored for expediency, political leaders deliberately hoodwinking the masses, vested interests being allowed to frustrate the state at every step, corruption common in high places and other gaping differences between promise and performance, they naturally bec ome cynical and clamour for change. Students form a very important group among the youth of all nations. Like the others in the same age group, they too have ample reason to be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in our educational institutions. Their biggest and most legitimate grievance is that what they learn after putting in so much time, effort and money has very little relevance to the realities of life with which they come face to face after leaving the university. Rather than equipping them to make a honourable living, education appears to be rendering them unemployable. Therefore, it is but natural that they should want to have a say in determining what should be taught so that it has some relevance to their future life and its needs. They would no longer tolerate politickers masquerading as teachers. They are not prepared to concede that the educational authorities have also to act as the guardians of their morals. They consider themselves quite capable of looking after themselves. If we look at the problems of youth today in the light of foregoing, it will be apparent that it is not the young alone who are to blame for the state of mind in which we find them. They may well be charged with being ignorant of what they want. But they surely know what they do not want. Theirs is a movement of protest against hypocrisy and lack of integrity in their elders, an expression of moral revulsion against corruption in society. Students are up in arms against displays of hollow pedantry and alienated erudition in educational institutions, the lack of living contact between students and teachers, and the unresponsiveness of the whole educational system to the need for change. The young are protesting against the difference between the  myth and reality of the society in which they are growing. Evidently, this concern for the future and this anxiety to rescue life from hypocrisy is very laudable indeed. But it cannot be said that the young are all the time guided by such high purpose, or that their choice of methods is always happy. Dissent is necessary—in fact obligatory, when things go wrong. But when it descends from the verbal level to the physical, it invites tragedy. Violence comes natural to youth. The young, supremely sure that the authority against which they are up in arms is unjust and oppressive, and feeling certain of the correctness of their own stand, react emotionally. The intensity of their feelings is such that it fills them with hatred and they turn to violence. Those who advocate taking to the streets to give vent to feelings of grievance plead that no one pays attention to words any longer. But this way of thinking is dangerous. Violence is an expression of intolerance. As the President of the Yale University said some time ago, the ugliness of the radical is no different from the ugliness of the reactionary. Both share the sin of arrogance, which is the enemy of freedom. In a general unleashing of violence, dissent is the first casualty. On the whole, the younger generation today is much misunderstood and more maligned than it deserves. The world, which it is going to inherit, will be immensely more exciting than the world of its predecessors ever was or could be. At the same time, life will present to it a much bigger and far more complex challenge. It would not do to condemn it and find fault with it that is easy enough. What is really important is that it is treated with understanding so that it can develop its faculties to reshape the world it is going to inherit in accordance with its noblest vision.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Legalization Of Marijuana ( Cannabis ) - 2609 Words

Cannabinoids and Cancer Cancer is soon to be the leading cause of death in the United States. It currently accounts for nearly one in four deaths, and it is estimated that 1.6 million new cases will develop in 2014 (Freimuth,Ramer,Hinz, 2009). Today, there are many treatments for cancer but they need to be implemented early and aggressively to achieve a therapeutic outcome. Therefore, it only makes sense to adventure out in the hopes of finding a more effective cancer treatment. Marijuana is a controversial topic in the news today, with many people for the legalization of medicinal use. Marijuana(cannabis) contains various organic chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. In the past few years, research into the anti-tumorigenic effects of cannabinoids have yielded some breathtaking results. This recent research has shown cannabinoids have the ability to inhibit tumor cell growth, and even program the cancerous cells to destroy themselves. These studies have also demonstrated that cannabinoids can affect t he way tumor cells metastasize, and invade other tissues (Freimuth,Ramer,Hinz, 2009). The following review will outline the data related to the impact of cannabinoids on cancer cell viability as well as their effectiveness in cancer symptom relief, compared to the treatments currently being practiced. The findings discussed here hope to shed new light on the therapeutic and anti-tumorigenic uses of cannabinoids. Current Practice Chemotherapy is the use ofShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Cannabis Programs854 Words   |  4 Pagesthrough the 1970 s in America, it likely convinced state authorities to reassess the restrictions against marijuana (Huntington’s Outreach Project for Education at Stanford, 2012). In 1982, 31 states and the District of Columbia had passed legislation granting the prescription of marijuana. In 1996, California voters passed Proposition (215) making it the first state to allow medical marijuana, Since that time 22 states, the district of Columbia and Guam have enacted similar laws (National ConferenceRead MoreThe War On Drugs And Its Effects On The United States1413 Words   |  6 Pageswhich was designed to control illegal drugs, specifically marijuana. Building on the prohibition, in 1971 President Richard Nixon officially declared a â€Å"war on drugs†, which resulted in an increased federal role in the warfare by providing the fed eral government with power to institute new mandatory sentencing laws. New policies, including the passing of the Controlled Substances act, which, â€Å"superseded earlier legislation and classified cannabis as having a high potential for abuse, having zero medicalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1581 Words   |  7 Pagesdrugs† since the late 1900’s, the legalization of marijuana has been a popular topic within the past couple of years. This topic is very controversial due to the fact that many people are unable to see past the bad rap that cannabis has accumulated over past years. Among the other aspects that have already given marijuana a bad reputation, some people are trying to find more and more reasons to postpone the legalization of marijuana. Since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, Washington and OregonRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Cannabis Legalization1614 Words   |  7 PagesTitle Page Assess the advantages and disadvantages of Cannabis Legalization in Australia Contents Title Page 1 Introduction: 3 Cannabis dugs: 3 Use of Marijuana in Australia: 4 Advantages of Cannabis legalization in Australia: 5 Disadvantages of Cannabis legalization in Australia: 5 Conclusion: 7 References: 8 Introduction: Currently drug abuse is the issue that has plagued almost all the societies in the world. This problem poses serious threat to the life of peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?893 Words   |  4 Pages Cannabis has been declared a Schedule I controlled substance since the the Marijuana Tax Act OF 1973. Nevertheless, today, some countries have legalized cannabis while other countries have not. Moreover, in the United States, some states such as Washington and Colorado have also legalized the possession and usage of marijuana for medical purposes. On the other hand, various penalties are imposed for use or possession of cannabis in most states. Marijuana should be legalize becauseRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The s aid chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the personsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?939 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieve that marijuana is a highly addictive and life threatening drug. However, there have been zero reported cases of cannabis overdose. Marijuana prohibition and propaganda have caused America to fail to benefit from marijuana legalization. The factors of the consequences of the cannabis ban, organized crime being responsible for the distribution of marijuana, the success of Colorado’s statewide legalization, and the American public becoming less opposed to the proposal of legalizing marijuana are causingRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?958 Words   |  4 Pages Cannabis is a drug nearly as popular as alcohol and is usually smoken with tobacco or eaten. In many countries, possession and use of cannabis, also commonly known as marijuana is considered illegal. Nevertheless, today, some countries have legalized cannabis while other countries have not. In particular, small quantities of cannabis have been allowed in regions such as Europe, North America and South America (Gardner and Anderson,2012). Moreover, in the United States, states such as WashingtonRead Morelegalizing marijuana1044 Words   |  5 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Cannabis sativa or marijuana, is most known for its euphoric psychological effects when consumed. Many Canadians take part in the use of marijuana which has been illegal in Canada since the early 1900s. The topic of marijuana legalization in Canada has been a highly controversial topic over the last century. It has been discussed recently in the news due to Washington and Colorado both voting to legalize marijuana in November of 2012. The Liberal and Conservative partiesRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And The United States1709 Words   |  7 PagesThe Legalization of Cannabis The legalization of Cannabis in the United States is an extremely hot topic in the current media. Currently, 23 states and D.C. have laws to legalize use of Cannabis (NORML). Cannabis is also known as marijuana, dope, pot, grass, weed, head, Maryjane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, bhang (Cannabis). Cannabis is now the third most popular recreational drug in America, this is behind alcohol and tobacco. It has been used by 100 million Americans (Cannabis). Since